Natural Pearl Sculpture - Seated Beggar at Green Vault in Dresden

Seated Beggar

Seated Beggar

Seated Beggar. Girardet, Jean Louis (jeweler), Berlin, just before 1725. Baroque pearls, gold, enamel, amber, Perlmutterplättchen, diamonds, rubies. 8.7 cm H, B, 7.0 cm, D 7.0 cm. VI 83 d. Green Vault. © Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

The valuables inventory of 1725 holds valuable information on the origin of Perlfiguren ready. In addition to the Frankfurt dealer Guillaume Verbecq that occurs as a supplier in 16 cases, the name "Gerardet from Berlin" is called. This is by Jean Louis Girardet, one originating from the Burgundy Autun Huguenots. From the beginning of the 18th Century until his death in 1738 he was in Berlin as "orfèvre en or et jouaillier" (goldsmith and jeweler) active. The five detectable in the Green Vault works of the artist Jewel (the fifth Perlfigur is a duck on her nest group) differ significantly from the other Dresden Perlfiguren. Striking is the individual design of the base, for which he also ivory and - using Bernstein - genuinely Prussian. The typical characteristics also include the strapwork ornaments and grotesque masks. Dominant theme of Perlfiguren Girardet is the soldiering. The heroic soldier is just as much attention as the underdogs of society to become beggars and maimed (Figure) - motifs that famous series of etchings by Jacques Callot Les Gueux (Beggars) are inspired.

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