Natural Pearls Found on Kuwait Pearl Dive

Natural pearls found on Kuwait Dive

Natural pearls found on Kuwait Dive

The ceremony, organized by KSSC’s maritime heritage committee, celebrated the end of the pearl diving season by witnessing the return of the dhows to the shore with art and traditional music. The Al-Qaffal ceremony saw the young divers opening the oysters to harvest pearls. The event was attended by the families of the divers who participated in the trip.

Aiban said the trip simulates the suffering experienced by the old generation and the conditions they faced during pearl diving trips. “It embodies the highest values and meanings derived from authentic national and marine heritage,” he said. He said the event also provides an opportunity to relive the conditions our forefathers experienced to build this country and the horrors and difficulties they suffered to reach the position we are in today.

Aiban stressed the continuous royal sponsorship of this event shows the keenness of the leadership to revive Kuwait’s heritage and highlight the values and struggles of previous generations so that the youth can draw lessons from them to become active in serving their country. “Today, you are captains and sailors on ships, and tomorrow, you will be captains sailing Kuwait and its institutions towards development and a prosperous future,” he told the young divers.

Ambassador Lewis told Kuwait Times it is very important to be able to remember the rich heritage of Kuwait, particularly the maritime industry, which was the foundation of the economy in Kuwait. “It is really heartwarming to participate today by watching old-fashioned boats coming here and traditional crafts, as well as embracing the future, as Kuwait has not forgotten its past,” she said.

Lewis spoke about the importance for the UK to participate in such ceremonies. “I think we will all stay connected through the sea. Both countries love sailing, discovering new places and fishing. Despite the UK not having a pearling industry, I think we appreciate the sense of adventure that we share between the two countries,” she added.


Kuwaiti pearl dhows I photographed on my visit there.

Kuwait pearl treasure

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