One of a kind on Earth, 52kt abalone pearl

by Gary Costello aka abaloneguy
(North Coast, Ca)

52kt Abalone Pearl Pendant

52kt Abalone Pearl Pendant

I have been abalone pearl diving for 25 years and I have found some great abalone pearls. Nothing close to this rare huge pearl. This one was probably in the dirt in a garden for 30 years. I bought it from the son of a diver who had not dove since 1981. He used to throw the abalone guts in the garden as it made great fertilizer. In 2005 it was noticed sticking up out of the dirt and the pearl was discovered. A pearl this size most likely came from a 40 year old abalone. I purchased it and had my dive buddy, Randy Shores, a great goldsmith, design the 1/2 oz solid gold shell clasp that was thrown from a wax replica of a shell from a beach in Mendocino, Ca. The pendant is insured for 13k. If that price doesn't make you flinch.... contact me on this message board. It's for sale for the right price.

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Mar 11, 2010
by: Kari


Your pearl is gorgeous and I love its amazing story of being discovered in a garden! The mounting is perfect for it.

The photo is great by showing so many multicolored iridescent colors.

Thanks for sharing your treasure with all of us!

Mar 10, 2010
52kt ab pearl
by: Anonymous

really, thats not a bad deal for a 1 in a million abalone pearl..that comes out to $250.00 a kt.The market has paid well over $300.00 a past auctions...ya might up your insurance on this one.

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