Oyster Pearl Crazy for Mardi Gras

by Faith
(New Orleans)

Oyster Pearl During Mardi Gras

Oyster Pearl During Mardi Gras

My family and friends came down for Mardi Gras and of course went for oysters while they were here. I got a dozen of course and I was literally half finished eating them. I was chewing and noticed that I had bitten something hard. I took it out of my mouth to look and see what it was and I couldn't believe it was a pearl. I knew pearls came from oysters but I haven't known anyone to actually find one while eating them. I was so excited about it, I told my family and friends about it, even told the waiter. Lol, I was soooo excited so I stared googling the meaning of finding a pearl and stats on how common it is to find one etc. It's not very big in size at all but I feel so pleasured to have experienced this in my lifetime. I've decided to get a ring made with it and I would like to know the value of it but I won't sell it. It's my special piece given to me by God :)

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Mar 12, 2014
Wow, congratulations
by: Kari

Sounds like a great evening! Congratulations on finding a pearl. And I'm glad you are going to make something special out of it. It will be a great reminder of God's love for you! God bless and thanks for sharing.botany

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