Happy Babies wear Kari Pearls!
Pearl Babies 1
Pearl Babies 1! The first page of many with babies wearing free KariPearl's bracelets.
What a great way to start out life on this planet...with a free pearl baby bracelet from KariPearls! I love babies...doesn't everyone? Well, if they don't...I can't imagine why. Did I have babies? Oh, yes...seven! Each child is special and unique. I'm a happy mother and soooooo thankful for my children.
Babies hold the future. Babies need us, trust us, depend on us and love us. Babies are a gift from God.
So...on with the photos of the "Cutie-Pies."

Angela's Little Girl
"Thank you so much!" Angela
Baby Lillian

Baby Tess
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! How generous and thoughtful you have been to send my baby her first pearls." Tamra

Baby Alanya
"Thank you for the bracelets. They are beautiful!" Cori
I've just started asking for photos...so only have a couple here now and I accidentally deleted Laurel's...oppps...I've asked her mom to send me another.
After viewing these cuties on Pearl Babies 1, you may order free pearl baby bracelets here.
Photos and Text © by www.karipearls.com
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