The Pearl Flower

Pearl Flower...flower of many names...with option to buy a poster.

This is a perennial favorite and is esteemed for its profuse blooms.

It commonly called Achillea.

Achillea Ptarmica

Achillea is better known under the name of White Tansy. White Tansy is a cousin of the weed Yarrow.

There is an old superstition that is one sleeps on Midsummer Night's Eve upon a bunch of Yarrow, he or she will dream of a future wife or husband, as it may be.

The Pearl is a small perennial esteemed for its profuse bloom. Double Sneezewort, Goose Tongue, Fair Maids of France, Seven Years' Love, are also designations for this much-named flower.

In the single variety the disk flowers are yellow, the ray flowers white.

In the Pearl Flower--the double variety recommended for gardens--the disk flowers have disappeared; the flower is all a fluffy rosette of white.

These rosettes have been greatly esteemed for cutting and for formal bouquets.

In the garden Achillea should be kept well picked, as after the first bloom the plants turn brown and present an unsightly, rusty appearance.

The pearl flower grows successfully in practically all sorts of soils and spreads rapidly.

In planting allow ten to twelve inches of space. The best method of propagation is to divide old plants in spring.

Go to Pearls in Art after the Pearl Flower.

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