Pearl in a little neck clam?

by kayla kaufmann
(Dallas, PA)

For my 20th birthday, I wanted a seafood dinner, my mom ordered 24 little neck clams and I grabbed one on a whim. While eating it I noticed something hard. At first I thought it was my tongue ring. I spit it out and it turned out to be the beginning of a little pearl.

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Mar 09, 2013
Yes, pearls in Little Neck Clams
by: Kari

Hi Kayla,

Yes, pearls called quahog pearls grow in Little Neck Clams.

Quahog pearls are very rare and are valued by carat weight. The EGL lab in New York City has been known to appraise them between $200-$800/carat, but some people think because of their rarity, they are much more valuable than that.

I hope you're enjoying your little pearl. Natural pearls are special and quahog pearls are extra special!

God bless!

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