Pearl in the shell - African Collection

by Christina

Pearl in Africal Sea Shell

Pearl in Africal Sea Shell

I found this pearl in the shell in a collection of items that were mostly from Africa in the 70's. I would like to know what it is and how much it might be worth? Thank you.

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Sep 17, 2015
Blister Pearl
by: Anonymous

Thank you, I didn't even know what it was when I found it. It looked very strange to me, like an Alien egg or something...Ha, ha. I am glad that I now know what it is...I love it when I find curious things such as this!

Sep 16, 2015
Curiousity Item
by: Kari

Hello Christina,

It's always a thrill to find a natural pearl and it looks like you have found a blister pearl on that shell.

I would say that it does not have much value as it doesn't look extraordinarily beautiful, but it certainly is a fine item of curiosity.

Some folks have extensive blister pearl collections and your pearl might be of interest to such a collector.

It's nice to have you share...much appreciated.

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