Pearl Poems from Ancient Poets
Pearl poems to inspire and entice and describe your loved ones.

Black Pearls Tumbling by Kari
"Bustan" by Sadi (Persian poet 1190-1291 A.D.)
Davie quotes:
"From the cloud there descended a droplet of rain;
'T was ashamed when it saw the expanse of the main,
Saying: "Who may I be, where the sea has its run?
Of the sea has existence, I truly, have none!"
Since in its own eyes the drop humble appeared,
In its bosom, a shell with its life the drop reared;
The sky brought the work with success to a close,
And a famed royal pearl from the rain-drop arose.
Because it was humble it excellence gained;
Patiently waiting till success was attained.
"My Thoughts" by Shelley
My thoughts arise and fade in solitude;
The verse that would invest them melts away
Like moonlight in the heaven of spreading day.
How beautiful they were, how firm they stood,
Flecking the starry sky like woven pearl.
"The Loves of the Angels" by Thomas Moore
Then, too, the pearl from out its shell,
Unsightly in the sunless sea,
(As 't were a spirit, forced to dwell
In form unlovely) was set free,
And round the neck of woman threwby Thomas Moore
And precious the tear as that rain from the sky,
Which turns into pearls as it falls in the sea.
"Orlando Furioso" (1594) by Robert Greene
The bordring ilands, seated here in ken,
Whose Shores are sprinkled with rich Orient Pearle,
More bright of hew than were the Margarets
That Caesar found in wealthy Albion.
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"Friendship" by Emerson
Do churls
Know the worth of Orient pearls?
Give the gem which dims the moon
To the noblest or to none.
"All for Love" (prologue) by Dryden
Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow;
He who would search for pearls must dive below.
by Sir Edwin Arnold
Dear as the wet diver to the eyes
Of his pale wife, who waits and weeps on shore,
By sands of Bahrain in the Persian Gulf;
Plunging all day in the blue waves; at night,
Having made up his toll of precious pearls,
Rejoins her in their hut upon the shore.
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from a Niveveh Obelisk
(translated by Jules Oppert)
In the sea of the changeable winds (i.e., the Persian Gulf),
his merchants fished for pearls;
In the sea where the North Star culminates,
they fished for yellow amber.
by Sir Edwin Arnold
Know you, perchance, how that poor formless wretch--
The Oyster--gems his shallow moonlit chalice?
Where the shell irks him, or the sea-sand frets,
He sheds this lovely lustre on his grief.
"The Bridal of Triermain" by Sir Walter Scott
The pearls that long have slept,
These were tears by Naiads wept.
by Shakespere
The liquid drops of tears that you have shed,
Shall come again, transform'd to orient
Advantaging their loan with interest
Of ten times double gain of happiness.
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