Pearl Vision on the Mississippi River
As viewed from Muscatine, Iowa--"Pearl on the Mississippi," and formerly known as the Pearl Button Capital of the World.
Having Pearl Vision is looking out from the "Pearl of the Mississippi River"--Muscatine, Iowa onto the grand old river looking through the string hole of a pearl.

Sun Doth ShineLooking toward the lock and dam and Illinois. Something about this "Old Man River"...he sort of captures you. Intending to stay one year in this city...well, we're going on twenty-nine years...unbelievable...that's pearl vision at its finest...seeing good things to come...

Pirate's BootyOur favorite tugboat---"Joshua"...waits in harbor for the sun to set...does he know something we don't?

Pirate's Booty on the RocksThe Black Pearl with its curse may be right around the corner....maybe it's a trap...

Little MermaidAye...tis a trap, this one for sure...better beware...Just what would happen if we tried to get that pearl necklace? Dare we try?

Putting Her Foot Down I'll not be afraid...this is my black bearded pirate or Johnny Depp pirate will keep me from enjoying myself here--curse or no curse! I'll get out my telescope and take a pearl vision view of things...

Testing the WatersWell, no pirates in Black Pearl Ship either...maybe I'll go for a swim...if, that is, the water is warm...

Sun Doth SetNow...the end of a perfect pearl vision day...nice swim, no pirates, new me. The pirate booty's still on the dock...better leave it there...I've avoided the trap all sense falling for their trick now...
More pearl photos that have been digitally enhanced to look like watercolor paintings here: Pearl Vision
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