Photographs of Pearls
Photographs of pearls plus some photo-taking and photo-storing tips.

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Pearls are great fun to photograph...they just look good, no matter what.
I still have a photograph of Walt Disney that I took with a mint green box type camera in 1964.
Our family was visiting Disneyland and here comes Walt Disney by us driving a golf cart. There were no other people around and he stopped to look at us...maybe so we could take his photo...I don't know.
My dad said we kids should go and say hello, but I guess we were too shy. Anyway, I still have a great memory photo.

Then, of course, there were the 4-H photos and contests. I really should do some reading about photography to really learn how to do it. For now, I'm learning by trial and error to take photographs of pearls.

One tip I've learned the hard way is about lighting. Outdoor photographs of pearls turn out much better in dawn and dusk light.

Full day sun is often too bright and the photographs of pearls end up looking like glowing masses of radiant heat instead of beautiful lustrous gems.

Backgrounds are also important to me...I love taking photographs of pearls along the Mississippi's just such great background...see next photo.
For this photo I had to walk on private property...but fortunately for me, the landowner was working in his garden so I could ask permission which was readily granted.

I put this as our desktop photo for awhile. It's from Muscatine, Iowa, looking over to Illinois.
When Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) was 18-years-old he lived in Muscatine and worked for his brother Orion at the local newspaper, the Muscatine we somehow "had a hand" in getting this great writer going.
I often wonder how many adventures he had on the river while here. I know my 18-year-olds and their friends have had quite a few...canoeing, camping, swimming, floating...

Some of my young friends have even found pearls in the clams...I'll be taking photographs of pearls soon.
Also, our city has quite an extensive history of "Pearl Buttoning" you may want to check out.

Taking photographs of pearls and other things must be "in our family blood"... Ethan, our second son just returned from northern Africa and took 2,400 photos. He's going to show them (well, some of them) to friends at our home tomorrow evening.

Digital projectors for such events can be rented at the public libraries for $20...a great resource.
Our oldest son, Andrew, who lived for five years in Istanbul, Turkey, has over 10,000 photos on his laptop.
Wow...we are blessed to live in an age of digital photography...just think how much that many photos would cost to develop!

I have sort of a crazy theory about storing photographs which I got from "Clutters Last Stand," a series of books about house cleaning/organizing. (Great advice by the way.)
I just put photos in large cookie tins or vintage potato chip cans and let them get super mixed up and our kids have a blast looking through them.
I also give some to the kids right away for their own tins.

Yes, I do have a few organized albums too...but to me albums are just "too predictable" and therefore boring to look through...I rather love the element of surprise...not knowing which decade or event will turn up next....who will be 3 or 30?
Looking at photos this way is fun and ALWAYS brings laughter...I guarantee it!
We're always telling someone..."Oh, look at this one!" and usually a roar of laughter follows.

I've been having great fun using Ulead Photo Express 4.0 SE to trim, resize and enhance my photos of pearls...this was "just on our computer"...I really don't know where it came from or where to get it.
If you enjoyed this page of photographs of pearls you may like to see my other pages dedicated to photos.
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