Please tell me value of this pearl necklace

pearl necklace

pearl necklace

hi , please tell me about quality and value of the pearl string in the attached pictures. my mom purchased it in London about 45 years ago. size is 9 to 13 millimeter and length is 45 inches.


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Nov 26, 2015
quality of pearl
by: Anonymous

Dear Sir, please be informed the jewelers on where i live are either uneducated or unknowlegeable in pearls and that is why i am asking your opinion .I can give you more information i.e. i burned one small bead of pearl with jeweller torch and the pearl cut into 2 half pieces . through normal magnifier , i barely see contour lines on cut surfaces and since heat burned and removed external layers of pearl , on some points of exterior surface i can see different colors and i am not sure whether it is pearl shining "rainbow" or artificial colors . i hope am information will be helpful to guess whether the pearl is cultured or artificial .
with regards

Nov 25, 2015

by: Kari

Hello Ali,

Thanks for contacting me. It is, however, not possible to either tell the type or value of your pearl necklace simply from the photo.

I suggest you take it to a local jeweler who could possibly give you more information about your pearl necklace.

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