Purple Pearl

by Ed eitzSw
(Mystic Island ,NJ)

11mm Purple Quahog Pearl with Shell

11mm Purple Quahog Pearl with Shell

Our neighbor gave us 50 clams. He usually gets 150 and keeps the large ones for fishing. I decided to steam some and eat 13 raw on the half shell while opening them I noticed something strange in one...thinking it was dirt I tapped it with the knife...and out jumped this pearl.

It is 11 mm round and 9.5 carat wt.

We know it is large.

The national news went wild and we have great coverage.

CBS News Purple Quahog Pearl Found by Ocean County Man

We are going to a Phila auction house Wed to see what we can get for it.

Purple quahog Pearl with Shell
11mm Purple Quahog Pearl

Purple quahog Pearl with Shell
11mm Purple Quahog Pearl

Purple quahog Pearl with Shell
11mm Purple Quahog Pearl

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Jul 28, 2009
Neat news coverage!
by: Kari

I enjoyed the news video.

Nice to have such great friends who give away quahogs with pearls in them. I hope he finds one for himself as well.

The news reported pointed out how the shell had a bump on the outside where the pearl had formed. That clue may help others find these.

Let us know what your appraisal turns out to be and how it goes at the auction.

Thanks for sharing! Happy day to find a large, purple, round quahog pearl!

Jul 27, 2009
write back
by: Anonymous

Please post back how the auction goes we have a 2mm purple oyster pearl we would love to sell thanks for sharing..

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