Purple Quahog Pearl Found on Honeymoon

by Sandy Mott
(Clay, NY)

Quahog pearl fround on Honeymoon 1977

Quahog pearl fround on Honeymoon 1977

On our honeymoon, 38 years ago, my husband and I were out to dinner at Tom's Clam Cove, Liverpool, NY. My husband ordered clams and when he bit into one, there was a pearl in it. At the time, we didn't realize what it was, but thought it was pretty so I put it in my jewelry box and it's been there ever since. I was told it wasn't worth anything because it was an unfinished pearl, but kept it anyway.

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Feb 23, 2015
Yes, it is worth something!
by: Kari

Hi Sandy, I'm glad you still have that wonderful Honeymoon pearl! And it is worth something. EGL lab in NYC appraises quahog pearls between $200-$800 per carat. Yours, though no big, is still a beauty. It would be worth having something special made out of it...maybe for your 40th Anniversary? If you do, we'd love to see a photo of the finished product. Thanks for sharing!

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