Quahog Pearl Information

by Anonymous

Cory I am writing you to give you a little more information about your pearl. I also have a rare quahog pearl it is a bit larger than the one you have. I brought the pearl to New York City to the GIA who gave it its certification of authenticity. I also brought it to a renowned pearl expert who wowed at it like she had when she viewed the Golash brooch. Some have said estimated auction value is in the $500,000 range. More information to follow...

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Feb 17, 2008
Who is the expert?
by: Anonymous

Who is the renowned pearl expert??

Jan 02, 2008
I have one of these rare quahog pearl
by: Anonymous

We had a get together with friends one Saturday afternoon in October we servered clams and low and behold one of us bit into a clam and there it was a quahog pearl. We have been searching to try and find the value of such a pearl. Can you please tell me where in New York you went to get it certified and te pearl expert you used to authenticate this type of pearl. I will atache the picture of the pearl. Thank you for your help.

Nov 16, 2007
Looking forward to the photo
by: Kari

Thanks for sharing.....we're looking forward to seeing a photo of your Quahog pearl and your further information. I'm also going to add this to the Quahog section.

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