Quahog Pearl Photo

Quahog pearl photo showing hairline.

Britton Quahog Pearl Top   Britton Quahog Pearl Side   Britton Quahog Pearl Bottom

Top                                 Side                              Bottom      

4 carats - 8.5mm X 8.5mm X 7.5mm

Price: $1,133

The above antique quahog pearl, dating from the 1910s to 1930s, was found in the estate of a Pacific Northwest jeweler. The handwritten label that will accompany it states "A Real Pearl in Natural Form," along with the name of the jeweler.

Lilac and mauve shades combine to form a beautiful color on the base and sides of the pearl. It is topped by a well-formed cream bullseye. This pearl is superbly ROUND, but perfectly stable sitting on its flat bottom. It measures approximately 8.5mm in diameter, and 7.5mm in height, and weighs exactly 4 carats.

There is a fine hairline under the surface of the pearl, which does not compromise its structure. It is the type of hairline you might find on old porcelain, and is not a crack through the pearl. You need close inspection with really sharp eyes (or magnification) and a light source to see this. The hairline crosses the base (where it is most evident--much finer on the side of the pearl) and travels halfway up the pearl on one side and then meanders to the left. It does not encircle the pearl. The photo below was taken with a macro lens, which provides a gruesomely magnified view.

Given the flat base and round form of this pearl, it would look wonderful set in a ring! Since this is a true antique, "as-is" quahog pearl that I cannot call flawless, it is being offered at an exceptional price!!

Britton Quahog Pearl Bottom
Close up of Bottom of Quahog Pearl

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