Roses and Pearls
What could be more glorious than roses and pearls? Two queens..the rose, queen of flowers and the pearl, queen of gems. Like a powerful alliance of queens in days of old.
These are photos I've taken...I love taking photos of my pearls. If you click on any of my photos you'll be taken to pages to read more about the pearls.
My cousin's wife, Gerd, in Averoy, Norway, loves roses and all her friends know it. So, of course, they give her rose bouquets for every occasion.

After she's enjoyed them, but while they are still in their prime, she hangs the whole bouquet upside down on their wooden ceiling in front of the stairway.
The dozens of colorful dried rose bunches give an impressive aura to the whole room.

Roses and Pearls
My mother saves every dried rose petal she can and makes fragrant potpourri with them.
I learned to value dried rosebuds when I ordered a dried arrangement for a volunteer worker at our church.

Roses and Pearls
After I saw the finished bouquet, I asked for more dried rosebuds to be put in the tune of $1.00 each.
As a child, rose fragrance reminded me of funerals, until I grew up and could appreciate their intricate composition.

Together, roses and pearls, it seems could conquer any problem, distill any fear, and return victorious from any conflict...
Like an eternal wedding day...
Here we have an intoxicating mixture of the envy of treasure chest booty...roses and pearls...the crowning perfection of gem and flora...anything can happen next.

A multi-floral pink rose bush spreading over their entryway door of my father and mother-in-law's farm house...a convenient place for Rognar to bring June a rose every time he entered.
To illustrate my point of "queens"...a rose called Queen.
Thirty years ago my husband planted rose bushes next to our stucco garage when we lived in town. I still love to drive by that old house and admire the bountiful display of roses.

I just have to tell you about this photo of roses and pearls. I found this rose painting, painted by a local artist, in our local Goodwill store for 25¢. It's a primitive painting and I love the vivid pink roses on the pale lavender background...then I was elated that it fit this great old frame which I'd purchased at a Salvation Army second hand store for $5. I patched some of the scroll work, painted it and rubbed some stain over the high points.
Now...the pearls hanging over the corner are vintage pearls valued at over $7,000. I added some pearls to this necklace for a customer and he was thrilled when I asked his permission to photograph them for my site.
The painting is hanging in my living room...and I love it!
Rose Scented Linens
The May 2005 Country Living magazine included this recipe for making your own rose scented linen water.
Add 1 cup of fresh rose petals to 2 cups of water. Bring to a boil. Simmer 1 minute, then remove from heat, cover, and let steep for 12 hours. Strain into spray bottles.
Spray linen water on a clean washcloth and then add to the dryer with your just-washed sheets, or spray directly onto bedding. Test a small patch before using on delicate fabrics.
Rose Popourri
In the same issue were these steps for making your own potpourri.
1. Drying
Gather rose petals from your garden in the morning after the dew has dried. Spread petals out on a screen, and leave in a warm, dry, well-ventilated place. Check petals for mold every few hours for at least 48 hours.
2. Mixing
In a sterile, wide-mouthed glass jar, pile petals 1/4" high and sprinkle a fixative such as powdered orris root or sea salt on top. Repeat layers until jar is two-thirds full. Close lid tightly and store in a dark place for 10 days before using.
3. Using
Fill a sachet with potpourri for the linen closet. Or make your own using a vintage handkerchief and a snippet of ribbon. Remember to leave an opening so you can refill our sachet from time to time, or refresh it with a drop of essential oil.
A gift idea: give potpourri of roses and pearls.
Candied Rose Petals
Wow...this is really going to be fun to try come summer...I have tons of day lilies we can have for dessert! Or maybe I'll bring a bowlful to the next potluck!
This could also be called, Candied Flower Petals because there are several edible flowers including: day lilies, dianthus, geraniums, Johnny-jump-ups, violas, nasturtiums, pansies, roses, tuberous begonias, and violets.
12 fresh small rose petals or edible flowers
2 teaspoons dried egg whites
2 teaspoons warm water
Extra-fine-grain sugar
(I don't see why real egg-whites can't also be used without the extra water. Look for dried egg whites in the cake-decorating section, a health food store or a gourmet shop.)
If desired, very gently rinse petals in cool water. Place petals on white paper towels; let air-dry or gently blot dry with paper towels.
In small bowl, mix dried egg whites and warm water. Stir gently with wire whisk for 2 minutes to allow powder to absorb water. Then beat briskly until powder is completely dissolved and foamy.
Using small, clean artist's paintbrush, lightly brush each side of each petal with thin, even coat of egg-white mixture.
While petals are still moist, sprinkle lightly with sugar; shake off excess. (Do not reuse sugar; it will be too moist to coat evenly.)
Allow candied petals to dry completely, uncovered, on waxed paper at least 4 hours or overnight before using.
Store candied petals in tightly covered container between layers of waxed paper for up to 1 week.
Your friends may need some convincing that they are for human consumption.
These would be great on a cake...even a wedding cake!
See a photo of candied rose petals and read about the exquisite hotel where they were served.
If you enjoyed these photos of roses and pearls, you may enjoy my page of daylilies and pearls.
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