Sanbouk Dhow for Pearling
Enjoy this Sanbouk Dhow from Kuwait pearling days.
 Sanbouk Pearling Dhow
 Sanbouk Pearling Dhow
 Sanbouk Pearling Dhow
The Sanbouk is the Kuwait pearling dhow par excellence. It is larger than Shuwi and was never used in any other profession but pearling. There were hundreds of such vessels involved in the annual pearling season in Kuwait at the beginning of the twentieth century.
The Sanbouk is characterised by its stern-post that gently curves upwards adn ends in a stern head that is unique to the sanbouk and by its decorated stern. The carving on the stern of the Sanbouk distinguishes it form the Jalboot adn the Shuwi and makes it one of th emost beautiful pearling boats ever built in Kuwait.
There are several types of Sanbouks built in Kuwait, the Gulf and South Arabian ports. This type of Sanbouk is uniuqe to Kuwait adn was only used in the pearling industry.
No old Sanbouk ever survived in Kuwait. This one was specially built by Ali Al-Sabagha for the sailing ship exhibiition of the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences in 1998. Its keel is about 9 meters in length and it has 10 sweeps and 2 masts.
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