SBI Website Blog by Ken Evoy Provides Insight into Making a Small Business Flow

SBI Website Blog by Ken Evoy who is a no nosense, reality loving sort...recommending only valuable steps to gimmicks, no tricks...

SBI Website blog by Ken Evoy

Ken Evoy...Helping Small Business Succeed Onlne

With the link below get a glimpse of the SBI POWER through the SBI website blog by Ken Evoy.

I consider it nothing short of a miracle that I found SBI.

That may seem like an exaggeration, but not to me.

You see...I'm what's called a "non-techie"...yet, I wanted a website and even being "one of those"...who could barely copy and paste...I do consider it amazing not only that I somehow stumbled upon the Solo Build It website program, but that I'm actually making a really fun, informative and profitable website.

As a friend said to me: "Kari, what impresses me the most about your website is YOUR LACK OF ABILITY."

Yes, like famous people of weakness has made me strong. I have a strong testimony that "If I can you."

I love hearing from website visitors who enjoy my chatty personal approach to learning about pearls.

Ken encourages us to "keep it real," and be ourselves....let our personality flow and overflow through our chosen theme which in my case is "All Things Pearl".

I never dreamed it would be so much fun...even as a busy mother (of 7 kids)...I sqeeze it all in by getting up before the sun (and hey....I'm not even a morning person). I've seen more Iowa sunrises in the last few years than in my whole life combined.

Nothing has gotten me out of bed with so much enthusiasm before this SBI website phase hit my life. And I know it's not just a phase...but a way of life.

SBI website program has opened up so many doors of opportunity. After my priorities of God, family, business....I love to travel internationally.

With an SBI website....I take my business with me.

The awesome future possibilities truly amaze me.

Learn here for yourself through this SBI website blog by Ken Evoy why I've come to trust this fellow and his advice and how SBI has provided me with valuable tools of success.

A few sections in the SBI website blog by Ken Evoy are only for SBI owners or SBI affiliates. It's easy and free to become an affiliate...but there's plenty of information without being either of these.

Read more about "How I Did This".

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