Scallop Pearl at Fine Dining Restaurant in Washington D.C.

by Michael E. Bonk
(Wasington, DC)

I work in a fine dining restaurant in Washington, D.C. and found myself cleaning scallops, after my normal shift, and to my surprise I found a pearl.

It's the most beautiful pearl I've ever seen. About 3-4mm and almost perfectly round. It's white/cream with shinier spots.

I never even knew scallops had pearls. I guess thats my reward for working late.

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Aug 28, 2018
Fun Tip!
by: Chris Rogers

Bless your heart for working an extra shift but, wow, what a great tip for the task!!

Oct 11, 2008
A great reward
by: Kari

Hi Michael,

Yes, I would say too that you received a nice reward for working late...good for you. I think it's interesting that it was a pearl you really appreciated and thought it the most beautiful pearl you've ever seen! Wow...that's super!

I hope your fellow workers enjoyed your prize too. Maybe they'll all be willing to work late now.

It will be a nice keepsake to remind you of the rewards of faithfulness.

Thank you for telling us about your scallop pearl find.

I have a brother named Michael and it's always been one of my favorite names.

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