Shell with Pearls Found

My boyfriend was weeding the garden and under about 3/4 cms of dirt he found a big flattish kind of shell with a formed pearl and a few other not so formed ones in it.

He lives right on a saltwater river in Noosa.

It's a beautiful piece to look at and we aren't sure if it has any value, though we don't want to sell it just curious of its value.

It kind of a pear-teardrop shape and white but you can see some other colors shine in it.

Hoping you might know more about it.

regards, Kristin

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Dec 11, 2010
Blister pearls
by: Kari

Hello Kristin,

I enjoyed seeing the photo of your blister pearls and to think they were found in a, an unusual place to find pearls!

One of the pearls looks like it could be knocked off or maybe cut off. That's what the pearl harvesters do in China, they knock off as many blisters pearls as they can, discarding the rest, simply because there are so many there. Some are made into blister pearl jewelry but the rest are piled up along the road sides.

You can watch a video I took of pearl harvesters in China knocking off blister pearls here: Pearl Harvesting Videos

I just looked up Noosa...Australia, right? I have never heard of a saltwater river before...interesting. I wonder if your shell came from there or from freshwater?

As for value, I don't think there's too much value in blister pearl shell, but it certainly is a nice keepsake item with a story!

Thank you for sharing, Kristin!

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