Surprise in mussels

by Mari
(Doylestown, PA)

I had a craving for mussels and thus I made my journey to my local Korean market. I got a bag of fresh mussels some clams and other odds and ends. When I got home I proceeded to clean my catch and prepared to cook. I then steamed my mussels to my liking and then ate them. To my surprise I bit into something hard assuming it was a rock I removed it from my mouth and took a look. It was a very small PEARL!! It was round on one side and flat on the other. What a surprise that made the meal even better!!!!

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Jun 01, 2009
pearl in mussel
by: Anonymous

i was eating mussels from a chinese food resturant and did the same. bit into a pearl flat on one side and a metallic black. i wonder how common this is as well and if they are worth anything. hmm.

Feb 15, 2009
by: Anonymous

I myself found a pearl while eating muscles at a restaurant on valentines day.i wonder what the odds are?

Jan 29, 2009
Lucky you!
by: Kari

Ahhh, good for you, finding a pearl. It is rare. I've often been tempted to buy some mussels at the grocery store just to see if I'd find a pearl, but the chances are slim. It's best to just buy the mussels to eat, enjoy them and be totally surprised by finding a pearl, like you were.

Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

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