The best chowder ever! Found a Quahog Pearl!

by Mona

Many years ago, we were in Freeport, LI, NY where we bought our fresh seafood. I got a dozen quahogs to make chowder that evening. While I was shucking them in the sink over a pot, I heard a large thump and looked down to see a beautiful, round purple and pale lavender pearl! I had no idea clams could make pearls, but I fell in love with it, and have saved it for about 40 years. Just recently, I was going through some jewelry making supplies and found my treasure. I thought about doing a search to learn more about them, and found my pearl might be potentially valuable. I've reached out to Kari to see if she knows anyone who could appraise it. I love it, and it's been in my jewelry supplies for years. Now it will have a place of honor in my treasured items. We are not in NY anymore, and miss the beaches and wonderful seafood. What I wouldn't give for a dozen cherry stones on the half shell. Happy holidays! Mona

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Dec 12, 2022
Glad you kept it safe all those years! NEW
by: Anonymous

Hello Mona,

Wow, glad you kept it safe all those years! Now you know how really special it is. Think of how many people eating quahogs are hoping with all their might to find a rare purple pearl.

I can imagine how shocked you were to hear the plunk into the pot. And I'm glad you had a pot and that it didn't go down the drain.

Thanks for sharing your good fortune.

I hope you can enjoy it somehow by having it made into something special.


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