The Datu Cabaylo Pearl, found in Palawan waters, Philippines

The Datu Cabaylo Pearl, found in Palawan waters, Philippines

The Datu Cabaylo Pearl, found in Palawan waters, Philippines

The Datu Cabaylo Pearl is a present to His Royal Highness Datu Cabaylo II of the Cuyunons of the Ancient Kingdom of Taytay, Palawan. It is a non-nacreous pearl from a giant clam (Tridacna gigas) and possesses the peculiar banding akin to such pearls. Though smaller in size compared to the one found from the same species in Papua New Guinea in 1981, it is nearly similar in texture and appearance.

Name: Datu Cabaylo Pearl
Type: Non-nacreous pearl
Color: White, with brownish tips
Length: 52 mm
Width: 15 mm
Carats: 75 carats
Classification: Very Rare

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Jul 20, 2024
Thank You!!! NEW
by: Datu Cabaylo II

Thanks for publishing this pearl from my collection! Your interest in these items is immense and your know-how impeccable. Your website is certainly making a difference to many people, enthusiasts or just curious alike.

Keep up the good work!

Jul 15, 2024
Thanks for sharing
by: Kari

Thanks for sharing.
I love it when special pearls are given a name.
I hope the gift was appreciated.

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