Retro Tiffany Co Store Window Displays in Nagoya, Japan and Seoul, Korea
Need some inspiration? Check out these Tiffany Co store window ads.
In the fall of 2005, two of my sons and I visited Japan, taking in as many Mikimoto Stores as possible.
I was always thrilled when I also "stumbled" across a Tiffany Co store as well, although I usually didn't allowed myself enough time for a nice long visit, only time for a few quick photos of the window displays or ads as I dashed by.
We sort of ended up in Tokyo by default. (In other words, we missed our ferry from Shanghai to Osaka so had to fly into Tokyo. I was looking forward to the ferry ride, but this way I was able to visit several more Mikimoto stores.)
As we traveled by train from Tokyo to Osaka, we were able to surprise friends along the way with a visit (one of these families just had their 12th child, by the way...rare in Japan). Plus we stopped to visit Mikimoto stores and in Nagoya, as I was frantically looking for the store (Sam and Matt were waiting for me) I happened upon this Tiffany Co store.
Tiffany's opened its first store outside of New York in San Francisco's Union Square in 1963 and internationally in Tokyo in 1972. The corporation has since undergone a large expansion project, opening flagship stores in London's Bond Street and Tokyo's Ginza district. The firm has spread globally and boasts stores in Asia, Europe and Latin America.
I LOVE the clock at the top of this page. Isn't it gorgeous?
These snappy Tiffany window ads caught my eye, so took some quick photos of them for you....very retro.

Tiffany Co Store Seoul, Korea Have you ever wonder what these stores do with all of their props? Do they recycle them, using them over in different ways? Keep them for years and just use them again. Sell them? Throw them away? I don't know, but remember a large auction held years ago of display props from a large department store here in maybe the eventually sell them.
Nagoya, one Mikimoto store owner said, is conservative, but my impressions were quite the opposite. As soon as I entered the metro station I noticed several young ladies wearing long ropes of pearls and trendy clothes.
Also, the day I visited this upscale shopping area a lively rock band playing on the street corner across from Tiffany & Co and near Mikimoto.
Enjoy these Tiffany window displays. They're great for inspiration.
The sideways girl was an ad in the metro station in Japan.
I'd already taken a photo of the same ad in Seoul, Korea.
Some interesting Tiffany Co Store facts
The Tiffany Co store offers a wide array of jewelry varying in price, guaranteeing the highest quality. Its entry level pricing is very competitive and set as such to allow "aspiration shopping."
This allows a 13-year-old to get a silver necklace for her birthday (Tiffany does offer gifts for babies as well) and continue upwards from there, with 18th Birthday present, to an engagement ring and onwards. A smart form of marketing that differentiates it from other large jewelers, whose entry-level prices are somewhat higher.
According to their own website they revised the Great Seal of the United States in 1885, and Tiffany's standards for sterling and platinum have been adopted by the U.S.
Tiffany Diamonds
Tiffany Diamonds are legendary. Charles Lewis Tiffany, founder of Tiffany & Co., was named "the King of Diamonds" by New York City newpapers. Even to this day, Tiffany diamonds are of the highest quality.
In the spring of 1887, Tiffany bought the French Crown Jewels making him the authority on the world's finest diamonds.
Tiffany designers soon were making their own brilliant designs. These designs were worn by such famous families as the Astors, the Vanderbilts, and the Morgans. Athletes, Hollywood stars, and even European royalty adored these diamonds. Museums valued the Tiffany design, which ranged from the Art Nouveau period to Art Deco to today's modern styles.
Today the world-famous 128.54-carat Tiffany Diamond is on display in the New York City flagship store. History from Wiki
I've also read that Tiffany & Co. is starting a new pearl store.
Did you know?
Did you know there's a state park in Murfreesboro, Arkansas where you can hunt for diamonds and keep any you find? An average of 2 per day are found. Check out: Crater of Diamonds State Park
Go to main Tiffany jewelry store page after seeing photos of Tiffany Co Store displays in Nagoya, Japan and Seoul, Korea.
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