Check out Tiffany Co in London
Elite Bond Street
See photos of Tiffany Co in London and the gold gilded gourd window displays. What's upstairs at this upper crust Tiffany jewelry shop?

Tiffany & Co. London
One of the benefits of visiting Mikimoto stores is that often nearby there's a Tiffany Co as well. Such was the case on London's Bond Street. The main Tiffany & Co. store in London hoovers close to Mikimoto's London store...great stores like to group together.

Tiffany & Co. Bond Street
Friendly sales people met me at the door...hey, they even had someone open the door for me...and anyone else wishing to visit their luxury two story place.

Closeup Tiffany Co Window
Tiffany and Co Window Displays
I took some of the window photos before going in...sometimes I wonder how I'll be treated if spotted "shooting" their windows to death. Usually, it's fine. After all, doesn't any successful store understand good free publicity?

Tiffany and Co Birdhouse Gourd
Aren't these gold gilded birdhouse gourds great? Now, even I grew birdhouse gourds this year on our farm in I felt connected with Tiffany in more ways than just pearls.

Tiffany Window Bond Street
Occasionally, however, I run into a sales person who isn't too fond of me taking photos of their windows (actually, this has only happened twice), so to be on the safe side, I now try and take some photos before going in.

Tiffany Co London
If I feel really brave I'll mention as I leave that I'd like to take some more photos of their outside windows. Normally, it's fine.

Tiffany and Co Window Display London
(Sometimes I fear customers think I'm taking their photo through the windows...oh, dear.)

Tiffany Closeup Window Display
Rare it is, however, to be allowed to take photos inside stores. I've quit asking or even hoping for such a treat. Sometimes it's not a problem and then I'm thrilled and feel I've been given a treasured gift.

Tiffany Co
The kind gentleman behind the counter was eager to answer my questions about the pearls on display on the first floor. When he found out I was researching Tiffany and Co he told me about a current historical Tiffany exhibit in London at the Somerset House, called, "Bejeweled by Tiffany".

Tiffany Co Birdhouse Gourd Display
Wow...I'm glad I didn't miss that exhibit! I was especially excited to see natural USA river pearls in lovely pieces of jewelry and wondered how many came right here from Muscatine, Iowa.

Tiffany Necklace in Window London
Pearls were sold off by the pound to buyers during the pearl button rush early in the last century.

Tiffany & Co. Old Bond Street London
Second Floor of Tiffany & Co. on Old Bond Street, London
The second floor housed spectacular gems making it a "must see."

Tiffany Co Window Closeup
This amazing diamond necklace was up there. It's a one of a kind...made for someone very rich. Also, it can be taken apart so the whopper of a diamond pendant could be used alone or even sold separately. But, Martin Goathy, the informative upstairs salesman, said it would be a pity to separate the two pieces.

Tiffany Diamond Necklace photos, but as I was riding the bus after visiting the Tiffany & Co. store in Sloane Square, I spotted this necklace in an ad for Tiffany's by a bus jumped off and took the photo.

Tiffany Co Diamond Ad London
I asked Marvin about where the diamond was mined. He said he could find out if someone were really interested. I love details and stories that go with jewelry pieces.
Yes, the upstairs at Bond Street Tiffany in London was filled with colorful, expensive gems in exquisite jewelry. It also provided a better view of this classic Tiffany clock.

Tiffany & Co. Clock London
Apparently Bond Street has been famous for fine merchandise for some time. Near me here in Iowa, in the very small town of Durant, I saw an old top hat for sale in a little antique shop. Guess where is was made? Inside it boldly proclaimed its "place of birth"....Old Bond Street, London, England.

Tiffany Co Window Reflection
I love it when things "get connected" like that for me.

Tiffany Necklace Closeup
Bond Street is never know who you'll run into or see sitting around. These two guys invited me to have a chat and asked my views on current world issues....well, maybe not really...but one wonders what advice they would give to us were they still with us....

The Big Three--Roosevelt, Kari, Churchill
Wow...what a big day...Buckingham Palace in the morning, then visiting Mikimoto and Tiffany & Co. and chatting with Roosevelt and Churchill in the afternoon...
See the Mikimoto London Shop that's just a "stone's throw" from Tiffany & Co in London.
Read about my visit to the New York City Tiffany & Co. store after reading about my visit to Tiffany Co on Old Bond Street in London.
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