Christies Did It Again...Raised Hundreds of Thousands by Selling Audrey Hepburn's Tiffany Dress
Givenchy's little black Tiffany Dress sold for $807,000 in London on December 5, 2006.
This little black dress was expected to sell for between $98,000 and $138,000, but some mystery bidder over a phone call broke bearers and just had to have that dress!

Breakfast at Tiffany's Dress (AP photo)
Ah yes....Audrey Hepburn...that amazing, lovely petite actress! She's my daughter's favorite...and how many times has Sarah watched "How to Steal a Million"? least 18 times now. She doesn't think Peter O'Toole is too shabby either.
I remember hearing the name of the film, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (adapted in 1961 from Truman Capote's novel)
and imagining elegant ladies and gentlemen in elegant surroundings sipping on tea and eating fancy biscuits under colorful stained glass Tiffany floor lamps.

Breakfast at Tiffany's
So when I actually watched the film, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" it was disappointing to see the eccentric Manhattan socialite, Holly Golightly, played by Audrey, wearing this Tiffany dress, bringing a brown paper bag to eat outside the 5th Avenue Tiffany & Co. jewelry store while gazing at diamond necklaces.
And what ELSE was she wearing with that little black Tiffany dress? guessed it: PEARLS!

Breakfast at Tiffany's Pearl Necklace
Photo courtesy Toronto Fashion Editor
This fabulous pearl necklace is traveling with the "Pearls: A Natural History" exhibit. I viewed it while in Tokyo.
I wonder what other film and television articles sold at this Christie's auction in London? Money from the sale of the Tiffany dress went to help India's poor through the charity City of Joy Aid.
Recently while attending a Sewing Expo in Minneapolis I saw this "knock-off" dress of Audrey Hepburn's movie, "Sabrina".

Audrey Hepburn Sabrina "Knock-off" Dress
In case you're wondering what a "knock-off"'s a copy of an original.
Look carefully at this photo which my sister, Diane, took with her cell phone and see a "knock-off" of Dorothy's (Judy Garland) blue checkered pinafore dress from "Wizard of Oz."
My children, Matthew and Sarah and I saw an original "Wizard of Oz" dress at the movie museum in Dallas, Texas. There was more than one original dress.
After watching "Sabrina", yes, more than once, we became great fans of Humphrey Bogart and enjoy many of his old films as well, such as "Casablanca" where he says the famous line, "Play it again, Sam."
Once while making arrangements with KLM airlines I spoke with a Netherlands travel agent who sounded just like Audrey Hepburn. I was amazed until Sarah, my daughter, reminded me that Audrey was from the Netherlands herself.
I think Audrey would be please to know her Tiffany dress captured so much profit to help the poor.
Go to main Famous People and Pearls page after reading about the Tiffany Dress.
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