Torsade rice pearls (genuine rice krispies pearls)
by Linda G. Liang
(New York, NY)
Dear People at KariPearls,
My aunt and mother used to string pearls, a skill
that I haven't yet acquired. And, they purchased all
kinds of pearls, in bulk. As a result, we have access to
many types of pearls, and at this point I am seriously
thinking of buying a ritcher box to display them.
I have on hand 8 strands of rice pearls that were
strung up at Gump's in San Francisco, CA. It is about
17-18" log, if you don't twist it. There are two (2)
jumper rings, one on either end, so that you can join
it together It is very 1980's, I suppose. One can add
additional strands of pearls or colored stones for more
color to thicken the torsade.
I have no idea what it's worth today.
Linda G. Liang
GIA student