Transplanting Quahog Clams
Transplanting Quahog Clams
Volunteers turned out on a drizzly afternoon last week to load 200 mesh onion sacks filled with quahogs onto boats, ride out to the clam beds of the North River, and broadcast the quahogs into the shallows.

Quahog Shell with PearlLed by the Marshfield and Scituate harbormasters, the volunteers transplanted contaminated clams from the Taunton River in what is known as a shellfish relay. The relay has become an annual ritual for the two communities, supplying clams for the winter-through-spring harvest and for spawning. Before the beds open for recreational clamming in December, the quahogs are expected to cleanse themselves and be ready for people to dig.
“They always taste better when you earn them,” said volunteer Russell Clark, who owns a mooring service in the Humarock section of Scituate and piloted one of his work boats laden with clams for the relay. Come winter, he’ll know just where to dig.
Read entire article about transplanting quahog clams here.Buy quahog pearls here.
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