A Unique Pearl Necklace
One night, not being able to sleep, I dreamed up this unique pearl necklace.

This necklace is made to represent my two favorite gems, pearls and emeralds.
The pearls are real freshwater pearls; the "emeralds" are really vintage pearl shank buttons made here in Muscatine, Iowa some years ago.
To me, the vivid green color in these mother of pearl buttons makes them look like emeralds.
Pearls and emeralds are royal gems...nothing beats them for glamour and glitz.
It was a blast to make and quite time consuming, but with each pendant I added, I grew to love it more. I only quit when I ran out of "emeralds." Fortunately there were enough to go most of the way around.
I started with a basic white pearl necklace. They are great alone or as the foundation for a more elaborate pearl necklace.
I love the crowded, over-abundance look of this unique pearl necklace. No scrimping here...sheer abundance with the pendants toppling all over each other.
I don't think I could part with this necklace. At least not for now. For one thing, I don't have any more "emerald" mother of pearl shank buttons. I'm sure there are more somewhere in the world, but until I find them, I'm going to hang on to this unique pearl necklace. Well....that is, of course, unless I was given a offer I couldn't possibly refuse.
This unique pearl necklace is meant to "move." It would be a great piece of jewelry to wear dancing!
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Photos and Text copyrighted by www.karipearls.com
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