Gorgeous White Pearl Wrap Bracelets
White pearl wrap bracelets add a sense of elegance to your life.
 White Pearl WrapSlip this double wrap white pearl bracelet on your wrist and feel like a princess all day! White pearls...like fresh snowflakes, ice crystals, and dewdrops...pure pearls refresh your style and add zest to your well-being. Just try it! Wear pearls! Added dimensions come to life. Barriers break. Wonders Unfold! No clasp worries here...just slip it on and you're all set. The luster on these pearls is super...lots of glistening shine will be reflected. The surface is also near perfect. You can't go wrong on these affordable freshwater pearl bracelets and besides, your satisfaction is guaranteed! A great thing about wire wrap bracelets is that one size fits all...no need to wonder what size fits your wrists. White Pearl BraceletSorry, these bracelets are no longer available. See natural pearl jewelry here.  White Wrap BraceletsGo to homepage after White Pearl Wrap Bracelets.
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