by john smith
(Halifax, West Yorkshire)

White pearl found in a meal.

White pearl found in a meal.


I found my pearl while having a meal with my girlfriend down in shibden valley. I have not done anything with it yet as I would like to know what type of Pearl it is and how much it is worth if anyone can help at all ?

It's the first pearl I have ever found and is very precious find.

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Apr 10, 2015
What were you eating?
by: Kari

Hi John,

The best way to know what kind of pearl you have is to remember what type of mollusk you were eating for dinner. Was it a Little Neck or Cherrystone clam? Then you have a quahog pearl. Was it an oyster? They you have an edible oyster pearl. Quahog pearl have value depending upon several factors. Edible oyster pearls as a general rule are keepsake items and have little value.

Congrats on finding a pearl! Glad you appreciate it and will enjoy it.

God bless, Kari

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