Found A Quahog Pearl?

Have you found a Quahog pearl?

If so, I invite you to show us a photo and tell your story. Here's a place to share the joy of discovering one of these American treasures.

Did you know that the ocean quahog, an unassuming mollusk native to the Atlantic Ocean, has the longest recorded lifespan of any living organism at 220 years?

Quahog pearl on the shell

It would be very interesting to hear how you found your pearl. Or was it an heirloom passed on to you from a cherished grandmother? What have you done with your pearl? Have you put it into memorable jewelry? Do you keep it as a conversation piece? Would you like to offer it for sale?

Quahog pearls for sale here!

Have A Great Story About Finding A Quahog Pearl?

Have you found a Quahog pearl? Share it!

Looking for a place to show off your Quahog pearl? Finding one of these is a thrill and quite a rare experience. These purple beauties come in a variety of shades and sizes.

Yes, there are natural Quahog pearls out there for the finding....we'd love to hear about yours.

Look Who Has Found Quahog Pearls

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page.

Purple perfection  
I inherited this ring along with some other jewelry from my great aunt. Her husband, My great uncle was a waterman and charter boat captain from the small …

Thanks , Mom - a Quahog Pearl to Remember You 
Found this in a quahog I bought on the anniversary of my mother's death. Purple was her favorite color.

Grandfather found White Quahog Pearl 40 Years ago 
So my grandpa was out hunting with his buddies one day and had some littleneck clams together. When he was eating one he felt the pearl in his mouth and …

My husband almost threw away our black pearl 
We went to the local butcher here and picked up a dozen clams. My husband was eating them when he bit into something hard. He spit it out, looked at it, …

Found a Quahog Pearl - K&G pearl 
Hi, in March of 2020 while living on Cape Cod I was digging quahogs in the Bass River in South Dennis, Massachusetts. I was getting a batch to make stuffies …

The best chowder ever! Found a Quahog Pearl! 
Many years ago, we were in Freeport, LI, NY where we bought our fresh seafood. I got a dozen quahogs to make chowder that evening. While I was shucking …

found a 7+ carat quahog pearl 
found a 7.84 carat pearl in a northern quahog clam. thanks

Egg shaped quahog pearl and looks like an eye 
We dug some clams for lunch a couple days ago. We grilled them lightly just enough to make them pop open. Because they were still so soft, I luckily felt …

A nice dinner surprise - rare quahog pearl found 
During dinner at a seafood restaurant, I found a white round pearl from my Little Neck Clams. Through some research online, they may be worth a decent …

10mm dark purple quahog pearl, found by my mother while shocking quahogs 
In the early 90s my father was a commercial shellfisherman in cape cod Massachusetts. He dug clams and quahogs depending on the market and what he could …

Quonochontaug Quahog Pearl 
Several years back, I was digging clams in Quonny and left with a pretty good harvest. Went home and made a batch of “chowdah”.Found this little beauty …

Quonochontaug Quahaug Pearl 
Several years back, I was digging clams in Quonny and left with a pretty good harvest. Went home and made a batch of “chowdah”. Found this little beauty …

Millennium quahog pearl 
Millennium pearl I was a commercial shell fisherman and Narragansett Bay in the 1980s and part time throughout the 1990s I continue to harvest quahogs …

Marlene Found a Quahog Pearl 
Found a rather large pearl in my little neck clam last night!

Pearl in a little neck clam 
My father in law made little neck clams for Mother’s Day. I had already eaten around 8 clams and was having another and I bit in something hard, I initially …

Antique Quahog Pearl and Diamond Ring 
I thought the unusual stone in this antique ring was a pearl but did not know it was a Quahog until I found your site. It has an old mine cut diamond …

Purple clam pearl found in Pennsylvania 
Almost broke my tooth on this last night. I didn’t know clams had pearls in them. I was pretty excited to find it. I’ve eaten a ton of oysters, mussels, …

Pearl inside my clam  
In opening my clam I found a black pearl. The first.

I found a purple and white pearl in a quahog 
Diving for hard clams in coutit cape cod i caught my limit to take home to make chowder.while shucking one a pearl popped out it wasnt round but was half …

My grandfather's pearls 
My grandfather was in the seafood business and these are some of the pearls he found over the years. These are from the VA coast, most likely found in …

Quahog Pearl Found 
By Taylor K. Vecsey April 3, 2020 In the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, Alex Miller gave his friends something else to talk about — at least for …

I found a Quahog PearlToo 
I found it in a clam I was eating. It was incredible and I was excited. I may have emailed this site before. I would like to get it appraised but don't …

I was preparing Quahogs for Christmas Eve and while prepping, found a Pearl. Since this is rare, I find it lucky. Not sure what I will do with it.

South Shore, MA Quahog pearl  
Story goes that I did many good deeds that week and that day being unselfish so I went quahogging that week and continued on spreading good karma dealing …

Click here to write your own.

little neck clam pearl 
while shucking clams for dinner one afternoon i happened to find this deep purple rock,so dark it looked black to me at first glance. Check your email …

Quahog Pearl 
My family and I recently built a summer home in southern NJ. I was raised in the area and spent many summers fishing, clamming, lobstering, and diving. …

Hey, That's a Pearl! 
Steamed off a batch of little neck quahogs, and found a pearl(round, dark purple, about 3/16 of an inch). I've found peals in mussels and an occasional …

Pearl Found In Quahog Rhode Island 
My brother found this rare gem after clamming in Narraganset Bay, RI. It’s 20 mm, brown, and beautiful. I had it set into a gold ring. Nice catch for the …

Heart shaped pearl 
My first time quahogging was last week (Jan 6, 2019) in Bourne, MA. I cooked the quahogs this evening and found this pearl in the first one I ate. Thank …

Jim Anderson  
I was eating dinner in Santa Cruz an bit in to something. I thought my clams may have broke one of my teeth. I came to find it was a quahog pearl.

Wild quahog pearl found while clamming in New jersey 
Went clam raking last Wednesday in New Jersey. Raked 399 that day and went home to have some for dinner. Opened a few dozen when this beauty popped out …

Found a pearl in my quahog tonight  
My best catch record this week! 246 quahogs. I’ve been picking them for the better part of my 61 years. This is my first pearl. Any idea what it’s …

Chesapeake Bay Quahog clam pearls 
My father was a commercial Waterman and caught a lot of clams he could always tell which ones had pearls in them by the shape of their mouth. SO I thought …

"Summer Thanksgiving" Provided Something Extra In Bounty! 
My boyfriend and I did a "Summer Thanksgiving" where we threw a bunch of seafood (clams, lobsters, shrimp, scallops) and steak on the grill to pig out! …

Quahog Pearl Found 
Went out quahogging in the morning in Martha's Vineyard and later that night we decided to shuck some open and eat them. I bit into one of them and sure …

Wolf's Neck state park ME 
Today my friends and i were combing the beach at Wolfs neck state park looking for shells when i found this quahog shell, empty, with a pearl attached …

Stuffer Surprise 
A few holidays back, I dug up a bunch of quahogs to make stuffed quahogs for dinner. I found the first of 2 pearls (the larger one) as I was cleaning the …

Just got this 18 carat quahog pearl authenticated 
I found this while walking around at the beach and thought it was just a really nice pebble but as soon as I held it, I knew the weight felt different …

My Quahog Pearl 
My husband made us clams because he knows that our son and I like them, when I bit into a clam I bit into something hard. I didn’t know what it was but …

Quahog pearl flaw 
I previously posted a quahog pearl on this site. Recently I found a GIA certified also in pearls at a local auction house. Upon looking at it, they indicated …

Tropical storm find 
I was visiting Venice, Florida when a tropical storm rolled in. It calmed down, so I went to the beach to search for shells. I thought this was a rock …

Found in a bowl of quahog chowder in Falmouth 
We went out for our last night in Falmouth to Oysters Too. I ordered a bowl of the quahog chowder. Halfway through, I bit down on something hard. Upon …

Store bought steamers black pearl find!! 
Just boiled up some clams butter and wine sauce set down to eat and bit into the little sucker perfectly round shiny has a small tear drop at the end …

Dave & Liz's Purple Quahog Pearl 
After quahoging the morning of June 4, 2017 in the Narragansett, RI Point Judith Salt Pond, Liz prepared quahogs and linguini for dinner. I was surprised …

Pleasant Surprise Quahog pearl 
I've had this 1 cm Quahog pearl for over 5 years. I bought it in Houston off of an advertisement listing it for sale, it came with a receipt that I lost …

Quahog Stuffers 
I was shucking quahogs to make stuffers for friends when I found mine. Its white and about 1/4" in diameter.

A nice surprise - quahog pearl - NJ 
It was an unusually warm week for October in NJ. We decided to stay at our little happy place longer than planned. Went clamming in Barnegat Bay last …

Quahog Pearl Found in Houghton's Pond Picnic Trash  
I found this pearl while at work. It was found among dozens of discarded eaten and uneaten Quahogs. I was picking up trash overflowing from a garbage can …

Daniella - Quahog Pearl 
My fiancé went quahoging on his lunch break today and took them home. Cooked some up and thought he broke a tooth on this "pearl". I don't eat these things …

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quahog pearl found 50+ years ago 
My Dad was an avid clammer/fisherman in the rivers, bays and oceans off NJ. He found a pearl in a quahog clam, 50 to 60 years ago. I still have it. …

I finally know I have a Quahog Pearl! 
Back in 1991 I was clamming with a boyfriend in the intercoastal waterway in St Petersburg, FL. When I opened one of the clams, I found this unusual lavender …

Two Quahog Pearls in One Mouthful - Check this out! 
I am a Commercial Fisherman and Aquaculturist. I went diving one day to get some large quahogs, so I could make some stuffies for my family. As I was …

Quahog deep purple pearl 
This deep purple quahog pearl was picked up off Wellfleet, Masachusetts. Harvested on 9/6/2015. (Cape Cod) 5.5mm x 3.75mm It was near Billingsgate …

Purple Quahog Pearl 
I found a beautiful purple quahog Pearl at a clambake last year. Where can I get a certificate of authenticity? I've taken it to a local jewelry and …

Lucky Bit Yields Quahog Pearl 
Bought some oysters and clams today went home and fried them. Third bite and crack down on my tooth ouch! Spit out a small pearl. I think its a quahog. …

15 years of digging quahogs equals one purple pearl..... 
My favorite beach is in Charlestown,RI. With Charlestown Pond just behind the beach, I never miss a chance to take a beautiful walk through the pond and …

Quahog pearl - BBQ find 
Found this pearl about 30 years ago at a fire dept. fundraising BBQ. Had gotten a plate of clams on the half shell and first thought it was a broken shell …

Christmas Quahog Pearl Surprise 
Every year at Christmas, we have a tradition of having a feast of seafood. Three years ago, my husband picked up some quahogs and oysters at a local fish …

Purple Quahog Pearl Found on Honeymoon 
On our honeymoon, 38 years ago, my husband and I were out to dinner at Tom's Clam Cove, Liverpool, NY. My husband ordered clams and when he bit into one, …

Purple Quahog Pearl Found in Florida 30 Years Ago Thought it was a Rock 
30 years ago while eating clams with my grandmother I found a purple pearl. All of these years I thought it was just a piece of rock. I did not know …

Quahog Pearl found in Little Neck Clam on Eastern Shore of Va. 
My wife Kathleen stopped in the Great Machipongo Clam Shack that is located on the Eastern Shore of Va. and purchased 2 bags of Little Neck Clams to bring …

Wampum Bead Maker Finds Quahog Pearl 
I am a commercial shell fisher woman from Chatham Ma (Cape Cod). I have been fishing for and opening quahogs all my life. This morning I finally opened …

Quahog Pearl Found  
I have been in the commercial shell fishing industry for forty two years. This morning while opening some chowders we harvested in Nantucket Sound off …

Found a pearl while eating at a clam bake 
We were all eating lobster, clams, and mussels and enjoying. Then I popped a clam in my mouth and bit down. At first I thought it was a piece of shell …

Found a quahog pearl! 
I was shucking clams the other day and this one felt different than the others, as it opened very easily, but clearly wasn't dead. I quickly realized why …

Found Pretty Purplish Pearl  
Family beach day on Tybee Island, Savannah, GA. I had to make sure I indulged in some oysters, so I went to Bernie's Oyster House, my husband got fried …

I found a quahog pearl 
I live in Westerly RI and in the summer my oldest daughter loves to dig for quahogs. She's always stopping over after her day with a bunch for me to make …

Found a Quahog Pearl! 
We were vacationing in Onset, MA, earlier this week and went clamming in the bay. We pulled up 20 or 30 hard-shelled clams, feeling them with our toes, …

White Quahog Pearl Found 
I was digging for quahogs in Jamestown RI and after reaching my legal limit I went home to make a chowder. I grabbed the first one and shucked it and a …

Quahog Pearl Pendant 
I found this pearl in a little neck clam at our companies clam bake. I had it set in a white gold necklace for my daughter. I was wondering if anyone …

Quahog Pearl found on Dinner night in Ft. Myers, Florida 
My husband had a craving for seafood at Skip Ones in Fort Myers, Fl. We ordered there Seamonster combo filled with clams. Opening one I found this dark …

I found a purple clam pearl 
While having dinner at the horse track last Friday night I found a pearl in one of my steamed littleneck clams. What a surprise! The waitress and the folks …

Authentic Quahog Pearl from Cape Cod, MA 
I grew up in Chatham,MA on Cape Cod. A family tradition is to go clamming in the summer. While on our second expedition of the season, we were digging …

I found a quahog pearl 
I went out to dinner with my husband and ordered clams casino for appetizer. First bit I took had hard substance and upon exam it was a pearl. Kept it …

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Is this a Quahog pearl necklace 
Hi, I found the sterling necklace at an estate sale. It appears to be a Quahog pearl to me, but I don't know anything about them. It is very smooth on …

3 Quahog Pearls 
I have found 3 quahog pearls so far. I grow clams here on eastern shore va was wondering what they were worth one is purple and has white rings around …

Quahog Pearl Found in Seattle 
Found a mini stone in my steamer clams while dining at the Crockett's Public House restaurant in Puyallup, Wa. Eating a clam and came across a tiny …

Tim Found a Quahog Pearl 
I was at a seafood restaurant in Litchfield Connecticut a few months back and ordered some Quahog Clams for dinner. Upon eating one clam I felt a hard …

Found one a few years back in Wellfleet, Ma. My immediate family has resided on the Cape during the summer for 57 years and we have dug literally thousands …

Mark Found a Quahog Pearl 
Found one a few years back in Wellfleet, Ma. My immediate family has resided on the Cape during the summer for 57 years and we have dug literally thousands …

Almost Ate A Quahog Pearl! 
I was at a raw bar in Boston, around the year 2000. I ate a raw quahog and almost choked on something. It was a dark purple pearl. I'm from R.I. and …

I almost broke my tooth on a pearl!!! 
I had a craving for clams cooked in butter, garlic and beer.... We went to the local shop rite and got some middle neck clams. I was biting down and almost …

Quahog pearl found in Peconic Bay little neck clam 
Quahog pearl found in Peconic Bay little neck clam. If you were chowing down on steamed little neck clams and bit into something hard, you might think …

This is not a Quahog pearl, is it? 
I found this vintage screw back earring at a garage sale. It is not a section of a Quahog pearl, is it? Thanks, Diane

I found a pearl 
I was eating clams off the shell, and there sat a pearl. It is small but it is such a pretty purple color.

Is this a quahog pearl? 
I bought clams and mussels for a clamnbake and this was in my mouth after eating,,, how do I tell if it's a pearl?

Quahog Pearl  
I'm a commercial shell fisherman from Cape Cod, found this pearl opening quahogs for chowder. It is 7.5x8mm dark purple w/a white dimple on the reverse …

Found while gathering some quahog's for dinnner. 
A few years ago I was gathering some quahogs for dinner. When I got home and started preparing them I noticed a white ball in the sink. Luckily the pearl …

My quahog pearl 
Thru some quahogs in the spaghetti sauce. :) I knew nothing about them until I hit this site. I see that cracks are not good? Shute! Here's a photo …

I posted once before but didn't have a picture to post. Now with the technology we now have.. I can post a picture of my pearl that I've had for years. …

Quahog pearl found while eating at restaurant in Michigan 
While out with my wife at a local Italian restaurant on 03/10/2012, I was eating and order of linguine with white clam sauce as my dish. I decided I could …

What is this Quahog Pearl worth? 
What is this quahog pearl worth? IT HAS A TWO TONE COLOR, gray blueish AND WHITE! Kari's note: I notice that your quahog pearl has a crack. Unfortunately, …

lavender pearl from clam 
I went to a San Gennarro festival in Las Vegas & ordered some baked clams. When I bit into 1, I thought I chipped my tooth. As I looked to see the damage …

David Larocque found a Quahog Pearl 
My wife and I were shopping at Adam's grocery store in Watertown CT. yesterday {8/21/2001] and bought a 10 Lb. bag of Cherrystone clams. We went home and …

1 cm Quahog Pearl Found 
I ordered the littleneck clams and ended up with a 1cm pearl!

Quahog Pearl for Sale 
I found what I believe to be a Quahog Pearl while eating a clam. I was wondering if anyone is interested in purchasing it and at what price. It is 8mm …

Lavender and White 13mm Natural Pearl 
I found a lavender and white pearl in a cherrystone clam in 1962 while opening clams in the family restaurant. Have kept it as a curio all these years …

Quahog Pearl Found in Washington State 
I found a pearl in a steamer clam. I took my mother in law our for lunch and couldn't finish my meal so I brought home the leftovers. I re-heated …

Found a purple pearl in Littleneck clam from grocery store in NH 
This week I found a purple pearl in a Littleneck clam from my local grocery store in New Hampshire. I love to eat steamed clams and I eat them at least …

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2 Quahog Pearls in One Season 
I do stuffed quahogs for parties and some local watering holes so I make a lot of quahogs over the summer. All come from Narragansett Bay in RI and as …

Purple pearl found in raw cherrystone 
Hi, I happened to be at a well known seafood restaurant in Melrose, MA called Turner's Fisheries and ordered a dozen raw cherrystone clams like I usually …

I found the "King of Quahog Pearls" 
My family and I have been in the Seafood retail business most of our lives. In 2005, I was shucking a bushel of quahogs from a new supplier when my knife …

4 carat Quahog Pearl for Sale 
4.34 carat Quahog Pearl for Sale This pearl is round, and slightly flat on bottom . The color is a deep lavender with a cream color on the bottom. …

Pearl found in RI Quahog (Little Neck) Clam 
Obviously Rare. To my wife's surprise, almost broke her tooth. I am going to have it set in a gold pendant necklace. Been clam'min successfully …

Rare Purple Half Pearl 
Hi I don't know much about pearls but I'm wondering the value of this pearl I came across eating a Quahog! I found it a while back, only problem is that …

Found a dark purple pearl 
Hello, My husband has been clamming in Duxbury, MA for many years now. We eat shellfish all year long. He even clams in the winter. We were eating steamed …

Lunch time pearl find 
Hello. I was at lunch with a friend of mine today. We each ordered 2 orders of 6 little neck clams on a half shell. With the first one I ate, I had …

Is this a Purple Quahog Pearl? 
I found a weird shaped purple object in my little neck, I kind of cracked it a little. I bit into hard- OUCH. It might be a pearl but I don't think I can …

Quahog Pearl Ring 
I was having a BBQ with a gross of clams when I bit into this little pretty gem. It has a creamy white flat bottom, deep purple starting on the …

Almost swallowed a Quahog Pearl 
My husband had gone "quahogging" one Saturday and brought home a couple of bushels to share with friends. After we had steamed them we sat around the fire …

10mm Purple Star Quahog Pearl Ring For Sale  
Color: Purple Shape: Button Size: 10mm White Gold Sorry, no longer available 10mm Purple Quahog Pearl Ring 10mm Purple Quahog Pearl …

Michele Hicklin's Quahog Pearl 
I am a native of the Eastern Shore of Virginia. One Saturday night about 35 years ago I was dining at a Restaurant known as "The Island House", located …

Quahog Pearl Owner 
My pearl was left to me by my mother who found it in a quahog from RI. 10 Carat Quahog Pearl 10 Carat Quahog Pearl

Purple & White Clam Pearl "The Eye" 
Eating clams at our favorite Chinese buffet (at least go once a week for the clams)popped one in the mouth and bit down on something hard. I thought I …

Pearl in a Clam 
Today is a very special day for my family. 9 years ago my handsome son came into this world. Today he asked me to cook him a special Birthday dinner "Penne …

Quahog Pearl - Perfectly Round 
I was shucking a few quahogs last week and came upon this pearl...its perfectly round...any info would be appreciated.

Teardrop Quahog Pearl 
I found a teardrop shaped pearl in a quahog that I shucked on Thanksgiving. It is perfectly smooth and measures 7.5mm x 11mm. Local jeweler said there …

Three beautiful clam pearls 
My father was a clammer all his life and after he passed away my step-mother brought out this ring box with three beautiful pearls in it. I have kept …

Found Pearl in Clam 
My husband and I own a pizza restaurant in East Haven Ct. We have someone shuck clams daily for our clam pizza. This is when we found the pearl. You …

Finding a Purple Pearl: Will it change her luck? 
A North Philadelphia woman sees it as a sign her luck is about to change. Malta Medina went to Wolf Jewelers at 8th and Walnut Streets today to get …

Cap'n Bob's Quahog Pearl 
I own a fish market and find very small white pearls in my quahogs on a regular basis but today I found a pearl measuring slightly larger than 1.5 cm round …

Purple and White pearl 
Well I have been harvesting clams on and off for some thirty years and never seen anything like it. Was sucking them for a chowder broth when this purple …

Cats Eye Purple Pearl 
On 8/20/09 I was enjoying 2 dozen raw clams at the Boston sea food and crab on Genesee Street in NY. I felt a small sliver of shell in my mouth so I was …

Tri Color Quahog Clam Pearl 
I open a lot of clams and give a lot of clams away. A friend ask me to open a bushel of clams for him the other day and I found a beautiful tri-color clam …

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I Found a Bright Purple Pearl in a Clam I was Eating. 
We rake our own clams in Wrightsville Beach, NC all the time. One evening we were enjoying our catch for the day and I bit on something hard. I spit …

Clam Bake Pearl Find! 
My husband was at his union's annual clam-bake this past weekend, and was just telling one of his co-workers about a story on the news about the guy that …

Purple Pearl 
Our neighbor gave us 50 clams. He usually gets 150 and keeps the large ones for fishing. I decided to steam some and eat 13 raw on the half shell

Quahog Pearl Rare Treasure 
It's rare to find a pearl in a clam, much more so than in an oyster, but that's exactly what happened to Danny Wyndham of Huger some 40 years ago. He's …

Quahog Button Pearl 
After a morning of 'bull raking' quahogs near my home, and during the chowder making process, I came upon a gorgeous multi-colored pearl. Now set in …

Little Neck Pearl 
I found a pearl in my little neck clam a few weeks ago....I spit it out and put it in my wallet and forgot about it until I hear this story about a man …

Half Purple and Half White Quahog Pearl 
I found a dark purple and white pearl in a quahog while shucking yesterday not round more marque shaped half an inch long by a quarter inch thick. The …

My Friend Wants to Buy A Nice Quahog Pearl 
I have a friend who wants to buy a nice, large, purple quahog pearl for his pearl collection. If you have one you are willing to sell, please email …

Large Purple Quahog Pearl & More! 
Well to tell a little bit about these pearls! My dad is a commercial waterman so he could always tell when he had caught one because of the shape of the …

Chincoteague, Md pearl found in 1959 
My father returned from a trip to Chincoteague where he used to hunt and fish with locals, and in his pocket was a roundish-to-oval, white-to-deep purple …

Quahog Pearl Found at Dinner in New England 
About 30 years ago while dining in a fine restaurant in New England, I bit into a Quahog pearl. I have held on to it all of these years not knowing if …

Pearl Story of a Life Time 
Well as I walked on the beach at Rhode Island my boyfriend and I where walking and I stepped on the quahog and it had a small crack so my boyfriend and …

Pearl of Freedom 
I had a party the weekend before 9/11 and ordered a bushel of clams for that day. The leftover clams I shucked the evening of 9/11 and found this beautiful …

Driveway Pearl 
About 1 year ago i found a pearl in my shell driveway.I measured it, it is about 18mm. It is not perfectly round and you can see where it was attached …

100 Year Old Quahog Pearl 

Finding a Quahog Pearl Twice in a Lifetime 
Every summer we go quahoging on the weekends....8 years ago we found our first purple pearl, while making clam chowder! We had it put in a cage for my …

Clam Craving Reveals Surprise Pearl 
About 15 years ago, I was having a craving for clams on the half shell. Having eaten them in NJ for years, they're not as easy to come by in Colorado. …

Priceless Quahog Pearl Found 
Hi, I have read the testimonies of several people finding the rare quahog pearl. Well, I am here to tell you that i believe it is a rare find indeed. …

Half Inch Quahog Purple Pearl Ring 
My father who is 80 has been digging quahogs in the Narraganssett Bay area of Rhode island for over 60 years and found his purple pearl over 30 years ago. …

I have Quahog Pearls 
I am a commercial fisherman. About 2 weeks ago while digging for steamers I found a quahog(about 6 actually). Well, while I was taking a break I decided …

A Variety of Quahog Pearls 
My father has been a clam shucker for 25 years. He has come across a variety of pearls throughout those years. These pearls have been found from Narragansett …

I was out to eat and found this pearl. I'm not sure about it. Looking to pawn. Very big, at least 1 gram and 4.5mm.

Quahog Drop Black Pearls 35carats--40carats--45carats 
Natural Black Pearls from Bahrain The above mentioned quahog drop shape black pearls were found by a natural pearl diver in 1920's in Arabian …

I found a very beautiful purple pearl in Bretagne (FRANCE) 
Hello, This summer we went in holidays in Quiberon (a City in Bretagne, West of France). During this holidays we church some quahogs to eat and …

I Found 4 Quahog Pearls, but They are Small 
I went to the bay and dug for clams..... I got lots of them and grilled them.... I bit into 4 pearls and they are small (2-3mm). Most of them are white …

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Found a Pearl in my clam while on vacation in Saratoga NY 
My Fiance and I were on vacation this week in Saratoga NY and I found a pearl in my clam. It is not perfectly round and not all the same color it is purple …

Quahog Pearl Found in Seattle 
The only thing rare about my story is that I live in Seattle. Apparently this is usually an East coast thing. Anyway, I bought a couple pounds of clams …

Long Island Clam Bake  
I was out to a clam bake on Long Island and had a plate of steamed clams. I noticed in one of the clams a dark spot at first thinking it was a dark muscle …

Mike B Found a Quahog Pearl 
Like Pam V I to found a pruple pearl in a Quahog over this 4th of July 2008. I was cleaning some quahogs for stuffing and found what look to be a purple …

My 4th of July Quahog had a present for me..... 
I dont have so much of a story as I do a question... can't seem where to find info on where I can get my new found pearls valued. Biting in a cooked …

My Purple Pearl 10 Years Later 
Hello. In June of 1998, my self and new husband were on our honeymoon in Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) Mexico. My husband would dive every day at low tide …


Quahog Pearl for Sale 
I have a gorgeous purple pearl, perfect, size of skittle, i am trying to sell it, any offers??? We found it when we were opening quahogs.

Wanting to Buy a Quahog Pearl 
A visitor to this website who works with young cancer patients, giving them some joy by learning about and handling real gemstones, is wanting to purchase …

Found a Quahog Pearl in Las Vegas 
Our company was in Las Vegas, NV for the Hosptiality Design show. As our trip was winding down on 5/17/08 we opted to have an early dinner since our flight …

Marcee Lopez 
I live in south Florida and I bought some littleneck clams to make clams casino. My son bit into one and spit out a pearl!

Quahog Pearl for Sale on Ebay 
David has notified me at that he has put his pearl up for sale on Ebay for a starting price of $5,000, but is willing to negotiate if anyone …


7.93 carat Quahog pearl FOR SALE! Shucking cherrystone clams to use for bait I heard something fall in sink ......1/2 inch round slightly flat at …

14.5 Carat Quahog Pearl 
I love raw little neck clams (Quahogs) and really pile on the condiments...lemon juice, cilantro, and cocktail sauce...that's probably why I didn't see …

9mm Quahog pearl 
I found this one about 10 years ago! I thought it was unusual to find in a clam so I just kept it. Now I see all kinds of news and people sharing their …

17mm Quahog Pearl 
We found this pearl in 1992 in North Kingstown, RI. It is 17mm in diameter. The picture shows the pearl in the original shell.

Purple Quahog Pearl from Rhode Island 
This purple quahog pearl was found in the summer of 1987. If you look closely at a map of Charlestown, RI you will see it is right on the Atlantic …

Clam Pearl - An Omen 
Just wanted to share that 16 years ago I found a clam quahog pearl in the Indian River near Sebastian Inlet in Central Florida. This was an omen of how …

8-9mm Purple Pearl 
About 20 years ago i was cooking pasta clams when I bit into a stone. WHEN I LOOKED AT THE STONE I REALIZED IT WAS A PEARL. I was amazed to see …

Quahog Pearl Earrings 
In 1990 I brought a quahog pearl to Barnstable Jewelers in Hyannis, MA to have it made into a pendant. The jeweler (Elliot) broke it in half so he took …

My Purple Quaghog Pearl  
I use to live in Middlesex, Massachusetts. I bought some clams from Stop and Shop and cooked and ate the dish. To my surprise I found a pearl in my dish. …

Hello, I am writing to find a bit more information about my quahog pearl. It is still stuck to the shell it was grown in. I have had it for about …

Purple Pearl Little Neck Clam 
I have a 6-7 mm purple pearl almost identical to the one just found in Florida. I met with Antoinette Matlins last year in NYC and she complimented our …

15mm Quahog Pearl Ring 
My Grandfather was a clamer all his life. He was born in 1926 and has sinced past. He found many pearls in the clams he harvested from his clam grounds …

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The Quahog Pearl 
2 years ago my wife and I bought a dozen quahogs. While she was eating one she bit into what she thought was a piece of a shell. She took it out of her …

Quahog Pearl Collection 
It's me again, just wanted to send in this second pic. (First photo is under main "Finding a Pearl" section.) My fiance's grandmother spent much of …

Quahog Pearls Right in Our Own Home. 
My fiance's grandmother spent much of her youth on Cape Cod quahoging in the bays of Eastham and Orleans, she even did it for a living at one point. She …

11mm Quahog Pearl from Cape Cod for Sale 
Yes, I too, have a quahog pearl found about 25 or so years ago in Cape Cod. It is about 11 mm. David Golash saw it some years ago and said it was a very …

Large Quahog Pearl 
Yes, I did find a quahog clam pearl twice the size of Corey's. I should add that yes, they are very rare and great care should be taken when selling them. …

Quahog Information 
Cory, I am writing you to give you a little more information about your pearl. I also have a rare quahog pearl it is a bit larger than the one you have. …

Flawless Quahog Pearl Found 
I bought a bushel of littleneck clams on 9-21-07 and split them with my father. While eating a raw clam on the halfshell; I bit down into a pearl. …

Large Quahog Pearl 
Yes, I did find a quahog clam pearl twice the size of Corey's. I should add that yes, they are very rare and great care should be taken when selling them. …

Flawless Purple/Silver/White Quahog Clam Pearl Found 9/22/07  
I bought a bushel of littleneck clams on 9-21-07 and split them with my father. While eating a raw clam on the halfshell; I bit down into a pearl. …

lo and behold a purple pearl 
I was eating fried clams about 3 years ago and thought I had broken a tooth. Lo and behold it ended up being a purple pearl. I may sell it if the price …

10mm Quahog Pearl For Sale 
How I came to find my pearl. Well I used to clam when I was a boy, and as years went on I found these pearls in clams I had opened. Old time clam …

Purple Pearl Found in Massachusetts 
I live in Dartmouth ma.and was demolishing a skating ring outside Boston and decided to bring raw little necks for lunch.As I opened them I noticed one …

Quahog Clam Pearls 
A couple months ago my dad was eating clams and while eating one he bit into something hard. He was about to throw it away but he realized it was a pearl. …

Any Buyers For A Quahog Pearl? 
My niece and I purchased ten dollars worth of raw clams in Martinsburg, West Virgina on the 10th of November 2008. As I crack the clams my niece was eating …

Rare Quahog Pearl Found in $14 Appetizer Not rated yet
Scott Overland, a husband and father-of-two who works in corporate communications in the Philadelphia area, was on vacation in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware …

Chef finds Pearl in clam prepping clams casino Not rated yet
I was opening top neck clams for clams casino at Evansburg Inn in 2001 and found a Pearl. I didn’t know what to do with it so I put it in my sock drawer. …

Rare Quahog Pearl Find in Restaurant Meal Become Engagement Ring Not rated yet
For the past four years, Sandy Sikorski and Ken Steinkamp have been regulars at "The Bridge Restaurant and Raw Bar" in downtown Westerly. We come here …

Woman finds rare purple pearl in her dinner Not rated yet
A woman couldn't believe her luck when she discovered a purple pearl worth up to £3,500 in a clam while on a dinner date with her boyfriend. Natalia …

April fools day find - Quahog Pearl? Not rated yet
While digging Quahog Clams in Nova Scoita, at a very low tide, on April fools day 2021, I noticed a group of Seaguls hanging out about 500 meters of shore …

Found one while eating Quahogs omelette  Not rated yet
Found a pearl from a Quahogs while eating an omelette made with quahogs

Large Quahog Pearl Found at Fish Market Not rated yet
By Christine Sampson November 25, 2020 Everyone knows you can get a great cup of chowder at Gosman's Fish Market in Montauk. Soon, one lucky customer …

I found a Quahog Pearl Too Not rated yet
I found it in a clam I was eating. It was incredible and I was excited. I may have emailed this site before. I would like to get it appraised but don't …

Rare Purple Pearl Found in Accabonac Clam  Not rated yet
Alex Miller was heading home and thinking about dinner Tuesday evening when he decided to stop at Stuart's Seafood Market, an Amagansett favorite. He bought …

Purple Quahog Pearl Almost Discarded  Not rated yet
Purple Quahog Pearl Almost Discarded A clam that a Portsmouth, R.I. couple thought was rotten turned out to hold a rare gem: a purple pearl that could …

I found a pearl in a clam at dinner Not rated yet
Hello, My family and I were at dinner and I found a pearl in a clam. I did not even know that clams produced pearls. it is a drop shaped pearl, white at …

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Purple Quahog Pearl Found in Rhode Island Not rated yet
Purple Quahog Pearl Found in Rhode Island A dinnertime discovery of a rare purple pearl has left a North Attleboro couple happy as clams. They came …

Chef Mike Finds a Quahog Pearl Not rated yet
Hi, My name is Mike and I was a chef for 9 yrs. I shucked about 40 thousand quahogs during this time. A customer got a small pearl in their white …

CT quahog pearl Not rated yet
While eating my clam sauce a felt something in my mouth that didn't feel my surprise I spit out a beautiful skittle shaped pearl...Didn't know …

Clam Pearl Story Not rated yet
I was watching the Antiques Road Show and a woman had a ring encircled with diamonds. She wanted to know what the name of the purple stone was in the …

My Mom's Quahog Pearl! Not rated yet
My mom has been carrying this pearl around with her for at least 20 years. My mom was working in a restaurant at the time and an old man gave it to my …

Linguine and Clams Crunch Yields a Pearl Not rated yet
A few years ago I was enjoying a bowl of linguine and clams, I took my last bite, and almost chipped my tooth. I thought it was a rock, so I spit it out …

Found a clam pearl while eating Not rated yet
I was eating dinner with family years ago.. At least 30yrs ago. It was from a clam. I still have it. I was wondering if its worth anything. I'm writing …

Giant Quahog Pearl Not rated yet
Giant Quahog Pearl To Eugene Haas, his purchase of a Quahog Pearl was one in a million. Finding one of these pearls inside of a clam happens about …

Off White Quahog Pearl Found  Not rated yet
Question: My mom found a pearl in a quahog that is off white with kind of a yellow tint, about 0.4CM and egg shaped. We would like to know how much …

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